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Old Latin Music Source
Posted by Voco
1/3/2013  10:30:00 PM
I am trying to buy the CD "Latin Mix 1" by Casa Musica. It was published years ago and my usual sources dont sell it any longer. I am particularly interested in the following song, which I believe is on that CD:
Artist: Guadalupe Pineda
Song: Puede Fallar
Dance: Rumba

Can anyone suggest a source to buy that CD or download the song?
Re: Old Latin Music Source
Posted by waynelee
1/4/2013  7:10:00 AM
Is this the one (YouTube): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EF_QNTz9c_I

Google also says it's on iTunes.
Re: Old Latin Music Source
Posted by Voco
1/4/2013  11:22:00 PM
Attn.: Waynelee

Thanks for your comments.

Yes, that is the song. However, I need it in a format which allows me to manipulate the music with Sound Forge and the iTunes format does allow me to do that. Furthermore, I dont know how to capture the sound from the YouTube version. That is why I am trying to find the song on the original published CD. Most music sellers have the Casa Musica Latin Mix from #3 up, but this is on #1.

By the way, what is your opinion of the song? (They used to play it at competitions.)

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